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This webinar will bring you on a Journey of embodying the Destined Way so that you may align and calibrate with your Soul's Legacy - so that you can fulfil your destined path in alignment with the Greatest Good.

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yuos'sima's story

After spending her childhood raised in dysfunction/abuse and trauma the author became dedicated to not only becoming a cycle breaker but to Building a better world, one in which the next generation could Thrive, in knowing her presence could contribute to something bigger. She is now devoted to leading a movement in which we are Unified as a Collective consciousness to support this Greater Mission. After her divorce was finalised she not only became devoted to embarking on her soul mission by becoming the Alchemist but she became dedicated to building a world in which she knew was soul aligned, ultimately building her Heaven on Earth; In knowing it would be Uniquely Blueprinted to her.


Instead of repeating generational cycles she wanted to be of service in a way that honoured her overall wellbeing and allowed the Universe to show her the way as she co-created with a Higher Power, working in alignment with her cyclical nature to allow for more rest and play so that everything she has been through is transmuted in a way in which she inspires others. Embodying the knowing that our collective efforts are greater than a Individual One. This is for you if you are a woman who desires to co-create a world in which you can have it all. It is the Pleasure Portal. It is for the Soft woman who leads as she Co-creates a Unified Generational Legacy while embodying her Sovereign Fire. 


Step in . As we co-create a world of love/honour and devotion for the Soul Aligned Feminine.

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If you are a woman that is ready to align with and create a New Paradigm while taking responsibility for yourself as the free divine being that you are then this MASTERCLASS is for you. It is for the Legacy Builder. You are here in this Divine Moment because your soul is ready for a new path to be Revealed, contributing to the Greater Good of Humanity while being of Service as you utilise your Soul Gifts. Are you ready? Your New Era Awaits!


We are always running giveaways, all you have to do is share our                             template.

​“Talking with Yuos'sima has been a very calming and inspiring experience for me. I can tell her experiences and deep knowledge of the subject fuel her passion to offer to her community only the best in a holistic manner. Her vision is set on helping her community by nurturing their energy and confidence in themselves. I am amazed by this powerful woman and I know she can positively change the lives of all those that may cross her path.”

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